One of the most beautiful things about Minnesota is being able to experience the four seasons surrounded by lakes, trees, rivers and wildlife. The change in season puts closure to some activities but also opens the door for fresh new exciting ones. At AK we have also had some new exciting changes bringing fresh new excitement to the office. On October 1st we welcomed in Project Coordinator Andrea Neisen to the team. Andrea brings a plethora of skills and experience to our team and we’re super excited to have her. As always, we like our friends, family and customers to get to know our new team members through our famous welcome interview. Please take a second and enjoy learning about Andrea.

AKMHS Employee Andrea Neisen smiles at the camera

Andrea Neisen- Project Coordinator

Q: Where did you grow up?
A: I grew up outside of Mahnomen, MN on a hobby farm.

Q: What are your hobbies or what do you do in your free time?
A: On Tuesdays nights I teach knitting classes at Skeins yarn shop in Minnetonka from 6-8PM. See you there!

an unfinished knitted hoodie

Q: Have you ever had a nickname? if so what is it?
A: I have a presence in the knitting community as “Knitsqrl”, but growing up we didn’t use nicknames much. When I was very young (preschool), I think my dad called me “monkeyshiner”. I also recall hearing “little scheisser!” a lot…

Q: What is something fun or interesting about yourself?
A: My first paying job was for an archaeological contracting firm. I was on the excavation team that relocated graves from an anthrax cemetery in Calhoun Co., IL. We were preparing the site so FEMA could move homes from the floodplain town of Grafton, IL up to higher ground post Great Flood 1993. I was a professional Archaeologist and Physical Anthropologist from 1993-2004.

Q: If you were a super-hero, what superhero would you be?
A: I’m not sure, but pretty sure it would involve the power of flight.

Q: What is your favorite holiday?
A: Thanksgiving. Do I need to explain?

Fully cooked thanksgiving turkey coming out of the oven

Q:Do you collect anything?
I’m working on a succulent plant collection in my office. I hope to rival my sister’s collection some day.

Q: What interested you most about AK when applying for the position?
A: The opportunity to work with more rack, naturally! Pictured: My former workplace, Superior Moulding Corp., Mpls, MN

table with a plate of pot holders filled with succulents
Racking in Superior Moulding Corp's warehouse


Q: Sports Team?
A: Not a team sports fan personally, but I do like the atmosphere created by people who are passionate about their team.

Q: Book?
A: Currently I’m reading Tin House Literary Journal. Keeping up on the journals is a great way of discovering up and coming authors.

Q: Food?
A: Sunday morning breakfast is my favorite. The best is early AM at Lucia’s in Uptown (Scramble of the Day), or Muddy Waters at Lyn/Lake (Billionaire’s Bacon and a Bloody Mary, Stoli, no Lime please).

A picture of the book Tin House Literary journal

Q: Vacation Spot?
A: Grand Marais, MN or wherever I can hang my hammock…pictured: my parent’s back yard

A picture taken from in a hammock shows a beautiful outdoor scene
Employee Spotlight Andrea Neisen

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