E-commerce warehouse rack systems offer versatility due to the variety of goods sold over the internet and the volume of sales. Creativity and efficiency in the design of pallet rack systems are crucial for the productivity and efficiency of your warehouse.
If your e-commerce facility needs new and improved storage solutions, call 800-722-5908 today or fill out the quote form below.

What is an Ecommerce Warehouse?
An e-commerce warehouse is one that holds and stores products specifically for sale online. Ecommerce has grown rapidly and especially has grown during the Covid-19 pandemic, allowing people to purchase things online without having to leave the home. With a rise in the need for ecommerce, there comes a need for more ecommerce warehouses.
Ecommerce Warehouse Space Planning
An ecommerce warehouse needs to have a layout design that is ideal for the productive picking of items. Having slow operations will lower the amount of profit you are making in your warehouse. So, how can you speed up operations in your warehouse and store more products? Proper warehouse space planning is the answer.
AK’s Ecommerce Warehouse Racking Design
An e-commerce warehouse design needs to be flexible so as the customer sees growth and changes in their product line the rack and storage system can adapt to changes of product and overall growth of the company.
AK’s design group is experienced in large and small e-commerce warehouses. We can help find a solution that works best for your warehouse and your budget.
Types of Ecommerce Warehouse Racking Systems
There are a few great options in terms of racking for an ecommerce warehouse. A few popular types of racking would be selective pallet rack and carton flow. Typically, because it is ecommerce, it is small order picking. Items such as bedding, clothing, toys, and other consumer products. This tends to lead to very intensive small order picking. In comparison to batch picking (which is grabbing multiple units of specific items for one order), ecommerce tends to be one or two pick line orders.
A pick module can be a combination of both carton flow and pallet flow on the lower levels for picking, and generally a multi-level system is incorporated in this with overstock replenishment overhead.
Another typical setup for an e-commerce warehouses to have a pick module and then other types of rack including selective push back or pallet flow that serve as replenishment for the pick module. The pick modules replenish typically at night for the picking operations or on a different shift. Other solutions like UNEX SpeedCell is great for small spaces. If you have an need, we have the storage solutions.
Ecommerce Warehouse Automation
One of the biggest (and best) recent industry changes is e-commerce warehouse automated systems. It’s possible to automate every stage of the order fulfillment process, either completely or combined with manual processes. Automated storage can be expensive, but if it is right for your warehouse, it is more than worth the price. Automated racking systems eliminate the need for many warehouse employees, which will save you money and also give you a lower risk of human mistakes such as picking the wrong items.
How proper racking and shelving helps the eCommerce warehouses?
Proper warehouse racking and steel shelving is crucial to the productivity of an ecommerce warehouse. This also means having the most efficient design of your warehouse pallet racking is extremely important. You need to have a very dense storage of products that are easily pickable and organized in a way that you can keep track of all the products you have coming and leaving your ecommerce warehouse. Using the wrong pallet rack systems for your warehouse will make your operations inefficient and cost you more money in the long haul.
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