Many warehouse owners or managers answered the above question with a confident “Oh yeah” or “Of course,” truly thinking they’re operating a safe workplace. Although many warehouses are safe and up-to-par, there are many hidden dangers in your average warehouse that you should be aware of. There are also some work environments that may appear safe on the surface but in reality, don’t meet OSHA required standards and regulations. The goods news is we can help. Below we’ll include some simple and actionable reminders for making your warehouse a safer place.

Important Areas of Warehouse Safety

The first step in improving safety in your warehouse is to identify the important areas in your warehouse. If your warehouse is ever due for inspection by OSHA these are some of the most common areas that you can expect to be given a thorough investigation.

Now that we have identified some HOT spots in your warehouse lets take a minute and see how we can improve the safety in those areas.

warning signs are used as bullet points for, Racking Systems, Loading Docks, Cranes & Conveyors, Forklifts & Scissor Lifts, Handrails & Fall Protection

Racking Systems

Do you know the capacity of your pallet rack? Do you have pallet rack load capacity labels on your beams? If you answered no to either of these questions I would stop reading this blog and make a note to yourself to begin investigating this. The question then becomes “Where do I find my pallet rack capacity?”

Finding Your Pallet Rack Capacity

The best place to find your pallet rack capacity is to go back to the company that you purchased it from and ask them to send you rack capacity information. If you are unable to find that information we can assist you with this process. Start by Calling one of our Pallet Rack Specialists at 763-493-5015 and they will do the rest.

Pallet Rack Safety Checklist

Another helpful safety tip for your pallet rack shelving is to set up a weekly or daily safety checklist.
Below is a list of some recommended safety checks for your rack system:

  • Can you identify any broken welds on the beams?
  • Are beam connectors or pallet rack safety clips missing?
  • Are all beams securely connected to the upright frame?Can you identify bent upright frames?
  • Are all floor anchors still fastened?
  • Are all pallets safely stored on the rack?

Remember that each warehouse shelving system is different so please contact your supplier to find out what should be on your pallet rack safety check list.

Are Your Loading Docks Safe?

An empty bay of loading docks

One of the most active areas of your warehouse can be your loading dock area. It is important to stay on top of safety in this area because of the amount of moving parts in this area. Loading docks should to be checked regularly with a preventative maintenance program. We offer our customer simple contracts to ensure that their docks are regularly checked. Below are some quick tips to improve safety around your loading dock area.

Loading Dock Safety Tips

  • Be sure to properly maintain equipment, protective devices, and materials

  • Regular inspection of both shipping and receiving areas

  • Identifying and avoiding workplace hazards in regards to handling and storing materials.

  • Making sure proper unloading and loading procedures are used

General Warehouse Safety Tips

  • Perform in-depth inspections of essential components and equipment and make any repairs that are needed.

  • Make detailed inspection checklists and make sure they are implemented.

  • Give yourself enough time to completely do your inspection, which will help make your site safer for your workers and your property.

  • Perform proper training for all employees.

  • Keep employees involved in the safety and inspection process.

If you’re interested in a warehouse safety walk-through or help with improving your warehouse storage, give us a call at 800-722-5908 or reach out to us here.

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About AK Material Handling Systems

We deliver value to our customers by providing the absolute best combination of quality products, helpful customer service and competitive pricing. We specialize in warehouse layout & design, pallet rack systems, engineered sales, mezzaninesmodular offices and completed turn-key warehouse systems. For more information email us or call (800) 722-5908

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About AK Material Handling Systems

We deliver value to our customers by providing the absolute best combination of quality products, helpful customer service and competitive pricing. We specialize in warehouse layout & design, pallet rack systems, engineered sales, mezzaninesmodular offices and completed turn-key warehouse systems. For more information email us or call (800) 722-5908