Warehouse Design

Modular Office Building Pricing and Purchase Information

Your business might be growing, but leasing out an entirely new office just isn’t in the cards.  The answer may be an AK Modular Office solution.

2022-04-20T15:36:35+00:00February 24th, 2015|All Posts, Warehouse Design|

The Expert Factor: Utilizing Professional Warehouse Layout and Design

When it comes to consultation, designing, planning and executing a custom engineered pallet rack system, the “expert factor” trumps all else.

2023-08-11T15:18:07+00:00February 2nd, 2015|All Posts, Warehouse Design|

Warehouse Design – Modular Offices

Modular offices are prefabricated office structures that can be installed in your existing warehouse space, providing an enclosed area within the warehouse itself and allowing the maximum utilization of the available floor space.

2022-04-20T15:36:39+00:00January 27th, 2015|All Posts, Warehouse Design|

Warehouse Design – Work Platforms

The work platform is unique in its ability to fully utilize the unused vertical space present in most warehouses. 

2022-05-12T19:35:46+00:00January 26th, 2015|All Posts, Warehouse Design|